AAG at a glance - page 48

AHMEDABAD | Tarunendra Lachhwani
HDFC Bank Ltd., 1st Floor, BPL House,
Sumangalam Housing Co-operative Society,
Beside Asia School, Drive In Road,
Ahmedabad – 380054
Tel: +91-(0)79-40086254
Fax: +91-(0)79-40086258
Mobile: +91-(0)9327576310
BENGALURU | Samrat Bose
HDFC Bank Ltd - Equities & Private Banking
MSR West Park No 3, 4th Floor
Church Street , Bangalore -560001
Tel: +91-(0)80-41148196
Mobile: +91-(0)9341947849
BARODA | Jayesh Ahuja
HDFC Bank Ltd., Arun Complex,36,
Alkapuri Society, R.C. Dutt Road,
Baroda – 390007
Tel: +91-(0)265-392 6606
Mobile: +91-(0)9377736373
BHUBANESHWAR | Upendra Swain
Plot No 381/5/A & 381/5/C
Unit - 3, Janpath, Kharvel Nagar,
Bhubaneshwar - 751001
Mobile: +91 7894419937
CHANDIGARH | Gautam Prabhakar
HDFC Bank House, 2nd Floor, 28,
Industrial Area, Phase 1,
Chandigarh – 160002.
Tel: +91-(0)172-3924850
Fax: +91-(0)172-3924997
CHENNAI | Maheswara Reddy
HDFC Bank Ltd.,
Old No:34,
New No: 105, “S.G.Mahal”,
Habibullah Road,T-Nagar,
Chennai – 600017.
Tel: +91-(0)44-28346477
COIMBATORE |Srinivasan J
HDFC Bank Ltd., Sri Sai Towers,
592, D.B. Road, RS Puram,
Coimbatore – 641002.
Tel: +91-(0)422-4392665
DELHI | Bhavana Kapoor | Pratap Luthra
HDFC Bank Ltd., B-6/3, Safdarjung Enclave,
DDA Commercial Complex, Opp. Deer Park,
New Delhi – 110029
Tel: +91-(0)11-41392116
Tel: +91-(0)11-41392134
Fax: +91-(0)11-41392118
Mobile: +91-(0)9313106522
Mobile: +91-(0)9313483748
GOA | Silvestre Pereira
HDFC Bank Ltd.,
Manguirish Prasad, Opp. Babu Naik House
Aquem Alto Margao, Goa – 403601
Tel: +91-(0)832-6694607
Fax: +91-(0)832-2733580
Mobile: +91-(0)9325637678
HYDERABAD | Sitaram Reddy
6-1-73, HDFC Bank Ltd.,
3rd Floor, Saeed Plaza, Lakadikapool,
Hyderabad – 500004.
Tel: +91-(0)40-66103354
Mobile: +91-(0)9392887122
JAIPUR| Chanchal Gupta
HDFC Bank Ltd., D-54 Siddhi Vinayak,
Ashok Marg, Ahinsa Circle, C Scheme,
Jaipur, Rajasthan - 313001
Mobile: +91-(0)8766615510
JAMMU | Farhan Bashir
HDFC Bank Ltd., CB-13,
Rail-Head Commercial Complex,
Bahu Plaza, Gandhi Nagar,
Jammu – 180004.
KANPUR | Amit A Jaiswal
HDFC Bank Ltd., Krishna Tower,
15/63, Civil Lines, Kanpur – 208001.
Mobile: +91-(0)9335086822
KOCHI | Thomson Abraham
HDFC Bank Ltd., Choice Towers,
Manorama Junction, Kochi – 682016.
Tel: +91-(0)048 - 44433103
Fax: +91-(0)484-2312772
Mobile: +91-(0)9388336748
KOLKATA | Amit Doshi
Equities & Private Banking Group
HDFC Bank Limited,
Central Plaza, Ground Floor
2/6 Sarat Bose Road,
Kolkata – 700020
Mobile: +91-(0)9331253457
LUCKNOW | Abhishek M Srivastava
HDFC Bank Ltd,
31/31 M.G Road Hazratganj,
Lucknow – 226001
Mobile: +91-(0)7499190228
LUDHIANA | Bhaskar Singh |
Param Vir Singh
HDFC Bank Ltd.,
First Mall, The Mall,
Ludhiana – 141001.
Tel: +91-(0)161- 3013797
Mobile: +91-(0)9876764802
Mobile: +91-(0)9888475751
MUMBAI |Parvez Kumar |Sapna Mandhyan |
Aditya Deshpande
HDFC Bank House,
1st floor, C.S. No. 6/242,
Senapati Bapat Marg,
Lower Parel, Mumbai – 400013.
Tel: +91-(0)22-66521000 ext. 1045
Fax: +91-(0)22-24900983
Mobile: +91-(0)9699080001
Mobile: +91-(0)9820502900
Mobile: +91-(0)9820790720
PANIPAT | Abhishek M
HDFC Bank Ltd.,
Harmony Towers, G T Road,
Panipat – 132103.
PUNE | Amit Marathe
HDFC Bank Ltd,
HDFC Bank House,
Private Banking Group,
5th floor,21/6, Marathon IT Park,
Bund Garden Road,
Opp Sun & Sand Hotel, Pune - 411001.
Tel: +91-(0)020-39524636.
Mobile: +91-(0)9325102533
40-1-129, Near Benz Circle,
MG Road, Vijayawada
Andhra Pradesh – 520010
Mobile: +91-(0)8099552266
Dubai International Finance Center
401 Gate Village 2, Level 4
P. O. Box 64546 Dubai U.A.E
Tel: +9714 703 8700
“HDFC Bank, DIFC Branch is regulated by
the DFSA”
Disclaimer: This communication is being sent by the Investment
Advisory Group of HDFC Bank Ltd., registered under SEBI (Investment
Advisors) Regulations, 2013. This note has been prepared exclusively
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any right of reproduction or disclosure. Neither this note nor any of its
contents maybe used for any other purpose without the prior written
consent of HDFC Bank Ltd, Investment Advisory Group. In preparing
this note, we have relied upon and assumed, without any independent
verification, accuracy and completeness of all information available in
public domain or from sources considered reliable. This note contains
certain assumptions and views, which HDFC Bank Ltd, Investment
Advisory Group considers reasonable at this point in time, and
which are subject to change. Computations adopted in this note are
indicative and are based on current market prices and general market
sentiment. No representation or warranty is given by HDFC Bank Ltd,
Investment Advisory Group as to the achievement or reasonableness
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purport to contain all the information that the recipient may require.
Recipients should not construe any of the contents herein as advice
relating to business, financial, legal, taxation, or other matters and
they are advised to consult their own business, financial, legal, taxation
and other experts / advisors concerning the company regarding the
appropriateness of investing in any securities or investment strategies
discussed or recommended in this note and should understand that
statements regarding future prospects may not be realized. It may be
noted that investments in equity and equity-related securities involve
a degree of risk and investors should not invest any funds unless
they can afford to take the risk of losing their investment. Investors
are advised to undertake necessary due diligence before making an
investment decision. For making an investment decision, investors
must rely on their own examination of the Company including the
risks involved. Investors should note that income from investment in
such securities, if any, may fluctuate and that each security’s price or
value may rise or fall. Accordingly, investors may receive back less than
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HDFC Bank and its affiliates, officers, directors, key managerial persons
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Disclosures: Research analyst or his/her relatives or HDFC Bank or
its associates may have financial interest in the subject company in
ordinary course of business. Research analyst or his/her relatives does
not have actual/ beneficial ownership of 1% or more securities of the
subject company at the end of the month immediately preceding the
date of publication of research report: HDFC Bank or its associates
may have actual/beneficial ownership of 1% or more securities of the
subject company at the end of the month immediately preceding the
date of publication of research report. Subject company may have
been client of HDFC Bank or its associates during twelve months
preceding the date of publication of the research report. HDFC Bank
or its associates may have received compensation from the subject
company in the past twelve months. HDFC Bank or its associates
may have managed or co-managed public offering of securities for
the subject company in the past twelve months. HDFC Bank or its
associates may have received compensation for investment banking
or merchant banking or brokerage services from the subject company
in the past twelve months. HDFC Bank or its associates may have
received compensation for products or services other than investment
banking or merchant banking or brokerage services from the subject
company in the past twelve months. HDFC Bank or its associates has
not receivedcompensationorotherbenefits from thesubjectcompany
or third party in connection with the research report. Research analyst
has not served as an officer, director or employee of the subject
company. Neither research analyst nor HDFC Bank has been engaged
in market making activity for the subject company. Three year price
history of the daily closing price of the securities covered in this
note is available at
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